A Mindful Sip of Coffee/ Tea
Practice this simple mindfulness exercise to bring awareness to your daily routine and for a mindful start to your day. Whenever you may need a boost of energy or in between transitions throughout your day, try this exercise to gain awareness, clarity and calm as you enjoy your warm beverage.
Find a comfortable seat.
Take 2 full breaths in and out (Inhale/ Exhale)
Bring attention to your sense of touch by noticing the texture of the cup and its warmth.
Remove the lid and allow the steam to flow.
If your mind wanders, gently bring your attention back to your senses. Be curious.
Sight: What can you see? (i.e. Steam formations, color of the beverage, texture of cup, ripples from sip)
Touch: Warm sensations of cup running through fingers and palm
Smell: Aroma of the coffee/ tea. What can you smell?
Gently take a sip of your drink.
Notice the warmth as it enters your mouth
Observe your sense of taste. Be curious, and aware of flavors, smells, textures and temperatures in the mouth
FINALLY, when you are ready, swallow your sip and notice the sip slowly travel all the way down to the belly.
Slowly repeat and enjoy.
First published in NewsReal on November 22, 2019.